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Scheduling task to run automatically

3 min read

LetSync Desktop utility program LSConsole.exe can be used to run a task from the command but most importantly LSConsole.exe can be called from Windows Task Scheduler which allows running tasks with almost no human interaction and there will no need to be logged in on the computer for the task to run. Or you can create a batch file and have the batch called from the Windows task scheduler. For terminal servers, LSConfig.exe can be used instead, which is the GUI.

For multiple company files, you will need to create a Batch file sample. Change Task_Name to the task name in LetSync. No need for [ ], just put them there for you to change the task name. Change the file extension .bat once you save it on the computer, and have this file run from the task scheduler; Edit the Action tab and change the “Program/script” to the batch file location (it could be where LetSync Desktop is installed), and “Add arguments (option)” empty because you have the task name already in the batch file. 

Batch file code: Killing QuickBooks before running the task is an option.

QuickBooks 2021 and below:

taskkill /f /im QBW32.exe (qb*.exe)
"C:\Program Files (x86)\LetSync LLC\LetSyncDesktop\LSConsole.exe" Task_Name

QuickBooks 2022:

taskkill /f /im QBW.exe (qb*.exe)
"C:\Program Files (x86)\LetSync LLC\LetSyncDesktop\LSConsole.exe" Task_Name

For Terminal Servers:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\LetSync LLC\LetSyncDesktop\LSConfig.exe" Task_Name

LetSync Desktop GUI will show when LSConsole.exe is running any task.

Windows Task Scheduler: open windows explorer -> right-click on the “This PC” icon then click on “Manage”:

Click on “Task Scheduler” on the left. Then click “Create Task”, on the right:

Create new Action. Go to The Actions tab, click “New…”, and click “Browse…”. Look for LSConsole.exe which is located in the installation folder: “C:\Program Files (x86)\LetSync LLC\LetSyncDesktop\LSConsole.exe”. Or browse for the batch file if you are using it instead.

The “Add arguments (optional)” field, goes the task name as it is named on LetSync Desktop GUI if you are not using a batch file. If you are using a batch file the option “Add arguments (optional)” will be empty

If you are running from a batch file, you will have to Browser the location of the batch file instead of the LSConsole.exe. The argument should be empty.

Add new Triggers. This will be how often you want the task to run. Note: The task won’t be scheduled on LetSync Desktop GUI.

Make sure that the “Begin the task” field is set to “On a schedule”

Go to the General tab and name the task. Pick the option to “Run whether the user is logged on or not”. You need to have admin privileges to set this task.

Make sure that the Windows user that will run the task, is the same Windows user that you are logged in to set up the LetSync Desktop configuration file.

Task will run on a schedule picked, but it can always be run manually.

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