''' <summary>
''' QuickBooks connection needs to be open first.
''' Get ItemNonInventory Record Count. Returns number of records in QuickBooks
''' In case of error returns: will return -1
''' </summary>
''' <param name="MaxReturned">max number of records to get</param>
''' <param name="errorMsg">returned error message</param>
Public Function GetItemNonInventoryRecordCount(Optional ByVal MaxReturned As Integer = 0, Optional ByRef errorMsg As String = "") As Integer
''' <summary>
''' QuickBooks connection needs to be open first.
''' Get All ItemNonInventory. Returns List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' In case of error returns: new List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' </summary>
''' <param name="ActiveStatus">qbActiveStatus enum. Values (ActiveOnly [DEFAULT], InactiveOnly, All)</param>
''' <param name="MaxReturned">max number of records to get</param>
''' <param name="errorMsg">returned error message</param>
Public Function GetAllItemNonInventory(Optional ByVal ActiveStatus As qbActiveStatus = qbActiveStatus.All, Optional ByVal MaxReturned As Integer = 0, Optional ByRef errorMsg As String = "") As List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' <summary>
''' QuickBooks connection needs to be open first.
''' Get ItemNonInventory By ListIDs. Returns List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' In case of error returns: new List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' </summary>
''' <param name="ListIDs">ListIDs of the ItemNonInventory. If it is one ListIDs, just add one ListID to the List(Of String)</param>
''' <param name="MaxReturned">max number of records to get</param>
''' <param name="errorMsg">returned error message</param>
Public Function GetItemNonInventoryByListIDs(ByVal ListIDs As List(Of String), Optional ByVal MaxReturned As Integer = 0, Optional ByRef errorMsg As String = "") As List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' <summary>
''' QuickBooks connection needs to be open first.
''' Get ItemNonInventory By FullNames. Returns List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' In case of error returns: new List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' </summary>
''' <param name="FullNames">FullNames of the ItemNonInventory. If it is one FullNames, just add one FullNames to the List(Of String)</param>
''' <param name="MaxReturned">max number of records to get</param>
''' <param name="errorMsg">returned error message</param>
Public Function GetItemNonInventoryByFullNames(ByVal FullNames As List(Of String), Optional ByVal MaxReturned As Integer = 0, Optional ByRef errorMsg As String = "") As List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' <summary>
''' QuickBooks connection needs to be open first.
''' Get ItemNonInventorys By DateRange. Returns List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' In case of error returns: new List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' </summary>
''' <param name="FromModifiedDate">FromDate</param>
''' <param name="ToModifiedDate">ToDate</param>
''' <param name="MaxReturned">max number of records to get</param>
''' <param name="errorMsg">returned error message</param>
Public Function GetItemNonInventorysByDateRange(ByVal FromModifiedDate As DateTime, ByVal ToModifiedDate As DateTime, Optional ByVal MaxReturned As Integer = 0, Optional ByRef errorMsg As String = "") As List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' <summary>
''' QuickBooks connection needs to be open first.
''' Get ItemNonInventorys By Name. Returns List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' In case of error returns: new List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' </summary>
''' <param name="Name">ItemNonInventory Name</param>
''' <param name="MatchCriterion">qbMatchCriterion enum. Values(StartsWith, Contains, EndsWith)</param>
''' <param name="MaxReturned">max number of records to get</param>
''' <param name="errorMsg">returned error message</param>
Public Function GetItemNonInventoryByName(ByVal Name As String, ByVal MatchCriterion As qbMatchCriterion, Optional ByVal MaxReturned As Integer = 0, Optional ByRef errorMsg As String = "") As List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' <summary>
''' QuickBooks connection needs to be open first.
''' Get ItemNonInventorys By NameRange. Returns List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' In case of error returns: new List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' </summary>
''' <param name="FromName">FromName value</param>
''' <param name="ToName">ToName value.</param>
''' <param name="MaxReturned">max number of records to get</param>
''' <param name="errorMsg">returned error message</param>
Public Function GetItemNonInventoryByNameRange(ByVal FromName As String, ByVal ToName As String, Optional ByVal MaxReturned As Integer = 0, Optional ByRef errorMsg As String = "") As List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' <summary>
''' QuickBooks connection needs to be open first.
''' Get ItemNonInventoryBy Class ListIDs. Returns List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' In case of error returns: new List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' </summary>
''' <param name="ListIDs">Entities ListIDs</param>
''' <param name="MaxReturned">max number of records to get</param>
''' <param name="errorMsg">returned error message</param>
Public Function GetItemNonInventoryByClassListIDs(ByVal ListIDs As List(Of String), Optional ByVal MaxReturned As Integer = 0, Optional ByRef errorMsg As String = "") As List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' <summary>
''' QuickBooks connection needs to be open first.
''' Get ItemNonInventoryBy Class FullNames. Returns List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' In case of error returns: new List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' </summary>
''' <param name="FullNames">Entities FullNames</param>
''' <param name="MaxReturned">max number of records to get</param>
''' <param name="errorMsg">returned error message</param>
Public Function GetItemNonInventoryByClassFullNames(ByVal FullNames As List(Of String), Optional ByVal MaxReturned As Integer = 0, Optional ByRef errorMsg As String = "") As List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' <summary>
''' QuickBooks connection needs to be open first.
''' Get ItemNonInventoryBy Class ListIDWithChildren. Returns List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' In case of error returns: new List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' </summary>
''' <param name="ListIDWithChildren">Class ListIDWithChildren</param>
''' <param name="MaxReturned">max number of records to get</param>
''' <param name="errorMsg">returned error message</param>
Public Function GetItemNonInventoryByClassListIDWithChildren(ByVal ListIDWithChildren As String, Optional ByVal MaxReturned As Integer = 0, Optional ByRef errorMsg As String = "") As List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' <summary>
''' QuickBooks connection needs to be open first.
''' Get ItemNonInventoryBy Class FullNameWithChildren. Returns List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' In case of error returns: new List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' </summary>
''' <param name="FullNameWithChildren">Class FullNameWithChildren</param>
''' <param name="MaxReturned">max number of records to get</param>
''' <param name="errorMsg">returned error message</param>
Public Function GetItemNonInventoryByClassFullNameWithChildren(ByVal FullNameWithChildren As String, Optional ByVal MaxReturned As Integer = 0, Optional ByRef errorMsg As String = "") As List(Of ItemNonInventory)
''' <summary>
''' It will delete the record from QuickBooks.
''' Once deleted, there is no way to retrieve
''' </summary>
''' <param name="ListID">to add new records to QB set ListID to a temporal one</param>
''' <param name="errorMsg">returned error message</param>
Public Function DeleteItemNonInventoryFromQuickBooksByListID(ByVal ListID As String, Optional ByRef errorMsg As String = "") As Boolean
''' <summary>
''' It will add a new ItemNonInventory to ItemNonInventoryList.
''' CustomField1-CustomField15: Fotmat[CustomFieldName:CustomFieldValue]
''' </summary>
''' <param name="_ListID">to add new records to QB set ListID to a temporal one</param>
''' <param name="_Operation">set to empty, update, add, or delete</param>
''' <param name="errorMsg">returned error message</param>
Public Function AddToItemNonInventoryList(_ListID As String, _Name As String, Optional ByVal _TimeCreated As String = "", Optional ByVal _TimeModified As String = "", Optional ByVal _EditSequence As String = "", Optional ByVal _FullName As String = "", Optional ByVal _BarCodeValue As String = "", Optional ByVal _AssignEvenIfUsed As String = "", Optional ByVal _AllowOverride As String = "", Optional ByVal _IsActive As String = "", Optional ByVal _ClassRef_ListID As String = "", Optional ByVal _ClassRef_FullName As String = "", Optional ByVal _ParentRef_ListID As String = "", Optional ByVal _ParentRef_FullName As String = "", Optional ByVal _Sublevel As String = "", Optional ByVal _ManufacturerPartNumber As String = "", Optional ByVal _UnitOfMeasureSetRef_ListID As String = "", Optional ByVal _UnitOfMeasureSetRef_FullName As String = "", Optional ByVal _IsTaxIncluded As String = "", Optional ByVal _SalesTaxCodeRef_ListID As String = "", Optional ByVal _SalesTaxCodeRef_FullName As String = "", Optional ByVal _PurchaseTaxCodeRef_ListID As String = "", Optional ByVal _PurchaseTaxCodeRef_FullName As String = "", Optional ByVal _CustomField1 As String = "", Optional ByVal _CustomField2 As String = "", Optional ByVal _CustomField3 As String = "", Optional ByVal _CustomField4 As String = "", Optional ByVal _CustomField5 As String = "", Optional ByVal _CustomField6 As String = "", Optional ByVal _CustomField7 As String = "", Optional ByVal _CustomField8 As String = "", Optional ByVal _CustomField9 As String = "", Optional ByVal _CustomField10 As String = "", Optional ByVal _CustomField11 As String = "", Optional ByVal _CustomField12 As String = "", Optional ByVal _CustomField13 As String = "", Optional ByVal _CustomField14 As String = "", Optional ByVal _CustomField15 As String = "", Optional ByVal _ExternalGUID As String = "", Optional ByVal _UserData As String = "", Optional ByVal _Operation As String = "", Optional ByRef errorMsg As String = "") As ItemNonInventory
7 min read
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