- Install LetSync Desktop on a Sandbox/test environment until you get familiar with the application. DON’T USE A LIVE COMPANY FILE FOR TESTING.
- Register to get your 31 days free trial: https://www.letsyncsolution.com/trialregistration/
- Add company file to LetSync Desktop: https://www.letsyncsolution.com/docs/quickbooks-company-files/
- Create a new database from LetSync Desktop: https://www.letsyncsolution.com/docs/database/
- Create new tasks: https://www.letsyncsolution.com/docs/tasks/
- If you only query data from QuickBooks to your database:
- The first time, run a full populate from QuickBooks to your database: Select Task Operation: Populate from QuickBooks
- If the Populate From QuickBooks task time out or hang out. It is because the amount of records per query needs to be decreased to a lower number. You can change that by editing the task, clicking on Set Filter, and lower “Quantity of Records to Request per Query” until the task goes through.
- After running a full populate, for regular data query: Select Task Operation: Refresh from QuickBooks
- The first time, run a full populate from QuickBooks to your database: Select Task Operation: Populate from QuickBooks
- If you query data from QuickBooks and update QuickBooks from your database as well:
- The first time, run a full populate from QuickBooks to your database: Select Task Operation: Populate from QuickBooks
- After running a full populate, for regular data query and update QuickBooks: Select Task Operation: Update and Refresh
- Update and Refresh: how it works. The task will refresh from QuickBooks (all the tables that are included in the task. either all tables or selected tables). Then, this task will query your database looking for all the records that on their “Operation” column are set with Add, Update, or Delete value (it is not case sensitive). It will run the operation set and if the task runs successfully, the database will be refreshed with the new record updated info. If you run a “Delete” operation, the record will be deleted from your database as well.
- If you only update from your database to QuickBooks:
- You don’t have to run any populate from QuickBooks to your database: Select Task Operation: Update to QuickBooks
- it will query the database looking for the records that on the OPERATION column are set with (add, update, or delete). it will do the change in QuickBooks. The database won’t be refreshed.
- You don’t have to run any populate from QuickBooks to your database: Select Task Operation: Update to QuickBooks
- If you only run reports from QuickBooks to your database:
- It will create a table on your database. Retrieve reports from QuickBooks and send them to the database. Memorized Reports aren’t supported: Select Task Operation: QuickBooks Report
- If you only query data from QuickBooks to your database:
- If you want to get an email notification when tasks are complete or fail: https://www.letsyncsolution.com/docs/email-notification/
- If you want to move your license to another computer: https://www.letsyncsolution.com/docs/move-license-to-another-computer/
- If you want to run the task in an automatization environment: https://www.letsyncsolution.com/docs/console/
LetSync Desktop set up for new customers
1 min read
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