Please download our latest version. Uninstall the previous one.
- fixed bug: MySql Connection
- Improve: Add function “Save as New” on the Edit Task windows. This will allow you to replicate tasks at least changing the task name
- Fixed bug: Multi-Report, parsing the provided XML text stream
- Fixed bug: MySql creates tables and populates fields
- Fixed bug: Close Connection To QuickBooks
- Improve: Close and open QuickBooks from UI
- Improve: See table updated date from UI
- Fixed bug: Suffix field in Vendor Table
- Fixed bug: RefNumber and CheckNumber from 11 to 25 chars to support the old version of QuickBooks
- Improve: Task Scheduler Server performance
- Improve: Console performance
- Improve: Turn On and Off Populate Multi-Threading
- Fixed bug: ItemGroupLineRet.PARENT_IDKEY wasn’t getting saved
- Fixed bug: Create Report custom table for MySQL database
- Improve: Fields: OverrideUOMSetRef_ListID, OverrideUOMSetRef_FullName were added to Tables: itemlineret, itemgrouplineret, InvoiceLineRet, InvoiceLineGroupRet
- Improve: Create SDKCore log file on each Task run: can be turned on and off now
- Improve: The tree session will keep the width
- Improve: ShortCuts buttons are more responsive
- Improve: Send Email log files performance
- Improve: Template.Name from 31 to 255 chars
- Fixed bug: ConfigReport.xml was getting duplicate records
- Fixed bug: GroupPARENT_IDKEY now is getting the correct key
- Improve: Custom Fields were added to the ReceivePayment table
- Improve: Records on the tree session can be sorted with the arrows up and down added on the Taskbar
- Improve: Kill QuickBooks Before Run Task option was added to Settings
- Fixed bug: Minor bugs were fixed
- Improve: IDKEY was added to the error table
- Improve: Update and Refresh from QuickBooks. It will refresh from QuickBooks before updating
- Improve: Deleted Records in QuickBooks will be deleted while Refresh From QuickBooks is running
- Improve: qbsdklog.txt was taken off from Email Log Files
- Fixed bug: Minor bugs were fixed with the MySql database
- Fixed bug: History table with multiples records
- Improve: Print Custom Field Name now can be turned on and off
- Improve: Custom Fields will be printed on the same columns
- Fixed bug: ItemReceipt now links to PO
- Fixed bug: Email Notification
- Fixed bug: update QuantityOnHand, QuantityOnOrder, and QuantityOnSalesOrder
- Fixed bug: Date Macro on Set Filters view
- Fixed bug: Set Operation field to task result
- Improve: Decimal fields have been adjusted
- Improve: Email Notification: use commas for multiple emails
- Improve: “Update and Refresh” operation
- Improve: Custom fields can be added on item lines while adding a record
- Improve: Supports QuickBooks 2022
- Improve: Custom fields add/update for line items
- Improve: Employee’s SickHours (SH) and VacationHours (VH) were added
- Improve: Customer’s CreditCardInfo was added
- Improve: ListMerge was added: This request merges one list object into another list object of the same type
- Improve: The report created can be edited now
- Fixed bug: On ItemLineRet (string “” to type boolean)
- Fixed bug: Company File view
- Change: Tables Check, Transaction, and Currency: Will be recorded on the History tables as checks, transactions, and currencies. This will adjust table naming compatibility throughout databases
- Improve: Updates PurchaseOrder table when processing a ReceiptItem
- Improve: BiilingRate add function
- Improve: ItemSites table
- Improve: Edit windows QuickBooks report
- Improve: Querying QuickBooks by number of days
- Fixed bug: JournalEntry add function
- Fixed bug: SetDataFromDB on AppliedToTxnRet table
- Fixed bug: Amount on Bill table
- Fixed bug: ItemService table
- Improve: StandardTerms add function
- Improve: DateDrivenTerms add function
- Improve: WorkersCompCode query, add, update, and delete functions
- Improve: Adds both Access extentions .MDB and .ACCDB
- Improve: QuickBooks report
- Fixed bug: Check table update MySQL
- Fixed bug: Currency update Access
- Fixed bug: TimeTracking table IsBillable field
- Fixed bug: Bill.RefNumber from 25 to 20 chars
- Fixed bug: InventoryAdjustment.RefNumber from 25 to 11 chars
- Fixed bug: JournalEntry.RefNumber from 25 to 11 chars
- Fixed bug: PurchaseOrder updates when ItemReceipt refreshes
- Fixed bug: Custom fields were getting wiped out or not being updated. Now Custom fields are synchronizing correctly
- Improve: SalesOrder operations were improved
- Improve: A timeout QuickBooks connection was added to avoid connection hang-ups
- Improve: A timeout and number of connection to QuickBooks try were added to LSConsole. It can be configured on the global Settings. Default: 1 try to connect to QuickBooks. Wait time 60 seconds
- Improve: LetSync Desktop can connect to the latest MySql cloud servers using SSL and custom Port
- Improve: PurchaseOrderLineRet.ReceivedQuantity is getting updated when a transaction is entered. The transaction table will affect the PurchaseOrderLineRet.ReceivedQuantity needs to be added to the same task that Refresh PurchaseOrder table to the database.
- Improve: History.ModifiedDateTime field on the database will be updated with the time and date that the task is running each table even if there is no record transfer or an error gets thrown on that table. The fields: RowsAdded, RowsUpdated, and RowsDeleted will be equal to zero.
- Improve: On the QuickBooks report windows the row category to be sent to the database can be picked: Text Row, Data Row, Subtotal Row, and Total Row
- Improve: SetCredit for the Invoice table. You will be able to apply a credit to an invoice from a credit memo
- Improve: Custom fields were added to appliedtotxnret table by client requests
- Improve: Custom fields were added to itemgroup table by client requests
- Improve: “Set Waiting To Connect To QuickBooks Thread” as a global Settings that once checked will oversee the QuickBooks connection process to allow the task to recover for the next connection
- Improve: “Set LSData field To QBAdded or QBUpdated” as a Settings that will set LSData field to QBAdded when is a new record in QuickBooks or to QBUpdated, if the record was updated afterward
- Improve: “Always update history table” as a Settings that will update the history table for the table even if there was no record sent
- Improve: Records Affected info was added to the email notification
- Improve: When LetSync isn’t able to connect to QuickBooks, it will create a file at C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\LetSyncDesktop\SharedData\ErrorConnectingToQuickBooks.xml
- Improve: StartRunningDateTime, EndRunningDateTime, and RunningResult were added to the history table
- Improve: ListDeletedRet and TxnDeletedRet tables were added to the database schema. These tables will save all the records information that was deleted from QuickBooks
- Improve: Refresh from QuickBooks, and Update and Refresh task operations won’t run a populate on the table if there was no record found in the history table. You will have to run a Populate from QuickBooks task in order to use those task refresh functions.
- Fixed bug: TimeTracking table IsBillable field