Download link:

After installing LetSync Desktop, you will be greeted with the above welcome windows. You will have to Register to get a 30 days trial free-risk if you are a new customer.
When you click on the Register button, it will take you to our website where you can register and the trial key will be emailed to you. Check the spam folder if don’t see the email from: Sales LetSync <>
Link to our Register page: Trial Registration Form – LetSync (

If you have a license already, just click on Continue.
If don’t want to see these windows to be shown again, check the “Don’t show again” that is located on the left top.
This is our license wizard, fallow is the Activate or Deactivate your licenses options depending on what you want to get done. In order to move your license to another computer, you will need to deactivate your license first from the computer that is activated.

When you start LetSync Desktop the main screen will be shown as below:
LetSync Desktop has a different section that allows you to work with the application and have an overview of what is happening.

To get your data from QuickBooks to your database. You will first have to configure your company file into LetSync Desktop. Second, connect to your database so LetSync Desktop will create a database with its table schema (for Oracle and Azure database needs to be created on the server then table schema can be added). Third, configure your task. And finally, run your task.
It is time to start configuring LetSync Desktop. Let’s go to the next topic: Company Files.