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What is LetSync Desktop?

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LetSync Desktop is an application that will allow you to integrate between QuickBooks and your database. LetSync Desktop will import and export data from QuickBooks through QuickBooks SDK and it is a Windows application. LetSync Desktop will allow the creation of an automated background operation that will keep your data synchronized between your QuickBooks company files and your databases. LetSync Desktop will always take QuickBooks as a master database of records making this impossible to overwrite updates made in QuickBooks. LetSync Desktop will create the schema of its own table on your database server which is just mirroring the QuickBooks SDK. LetSync Desktop will be capable of writing or reading from the schema of its own table. Also, LetSync Desktop will be able to import, export, and delete using your custom mapping.

LetSync Desktop is a yearly subscription-based application. Your subscription will include a yearly maintenance plan to keep up with QuickBooks, Windows, and your database server updates. Also, you will have access to personalized customer support which includes calls, emails, and remote sessions if needed (customer service will be provided on workdays between 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Eastern time zone). Allow ur 48 hours to go back to you. Premium customer service subscriber, same-day response.

LetSync Desktop uses three fundamental concepts to support QuickBooks and database integration. Company Files, Databases, and Tasks. Company Files, are QuickBooks company file that needs to be configured in LetSync Desktop; LetSync Desktop supports unlimited company files. Databases, are the databases that you will create using LetSync Desktop on your server; for database servers like Oracle and Azure, the database needs to be created on the server end then LetSync Desktop will be able to add the table’s schema to it. Tasks, are the operations that will allow you to populate your database from QuickBooks, import data to QuickBooks from your database, and generate reports that can be sent to the database on a daily basis running manually or in the background.

LetSync Desktop when installed on your computer for the first time will allow you to test it for 30 days trial-free, completely free. No credit card is needed for this, nor is an account with us.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

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