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Pay a Bill with CreditCardCharge/BillPaymentCreditCard

< 1 min read

I am using the Sample Rock Castle Construction company sample file.
Vendor: Thomas Kitchen & Bath

Step 1:
CreditCardCharge table

TxnID = 123456
AccountRef_FullName = QuickBooks Credit Card
PayeeEntityRef_FullName = Thomas Kitchen & Bath (vendor)
RefNumber = 8059 (ref no of the bill)
Operation = add

ExpenseLineRet table
AccountRef_FullName = Accounts Payable
Amount = 585.00
CustomerRef_FullName = Thomas Kitchen & Bath (CustomerRef must refer to a vendor (not to a customer))

Go to LetSync Desktop and run Update and Refresh on CreditCardCharge

Step 2:
BillPaymentCreditCard table

TxnID = 123456
PayeeEntityRef_FullName = Thomas Kitchen & Bath (vendor)
APAccountRef_FullName = Accounts Payable
CreditCardAccountRef_FullName = QuickBooks Credit Card
RefNumber = 8059 (ref no of the bill)
Operation = add

AppliedToTxnRet table

TxnID = 5C90-1197713660 (bill original TxnID from QuickBooks)
Amount = 585.00

SetCredit table
CreditTxnID = 28CC0-1702698121 (creditcardcharge original TxnID from QuickBooks)
AppliedAmount = 585.00
Override = true
PARENT_IDKEY =5C90-1197713660 (TxnID that was put on the AppliedToTxnRet table)

Go to LetSync Desktop and run Update and Refresh on BillPaymentCreditCard

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